An excerpt from the last book of Urdu Ibn Insha

 An excerpt from the last book of Urdu Ibn Insha


Give thanks to the Lord, brother

Who made our cow

This poem is by Maulvi Ismail Marathi. Not of Sheikh Saadi etc. This is also a good animal. Reduces milk. Increases respect. Old-fashioned Hindus call her Mataji. By the way, it has the same relationship with calves.

True Hindus drink cow's milk, cover it with cow dung, but consider it a sin to cut it. In their belief that the cow bites. And he eats and goes straight to hell. Doesn't breathe anywhere along the way. That is why if you stop milking a cow, you sell it to a butcher. The butcher becomes a Muslim, slaughters him, and feeds other Muslims. So they all go to hell. The seller is spiritually satisfied. Get paid separately

The cows which are not accepted by the butchers are kept in the cowsheds, where they go hungry and do penance. Foreign tourists take photos of them. Print in books. Skins are exported. Foreign exchange is earned.

It is written in the scriptures that the world is based on the horns of a cow. What is the cow standing on? Where does its dung fall and where does its urine go? These details are not written in the Shastras for fear of length

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